Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry & narrow-mindedness"

(Quote by Mark Twain)
My father-in-law, by pointing me towards Mark Twain's quote, demonstrated his comprehension of the spirit of our trip. A small and beautiful gesture, that deepens our relationship.

I ponder this quote daily. It was to my surprise that I would start to feel the truth of it so quickly by creating a blog! Sharing the experience of our travel has already widened the borders of the stereotyped family/friend "comfort zone conversation" to include topics such as global politics, immigration, geography, history, human rights, "poverty and despair vs. poverty and dignity, " economy and my favorite topic: advocacy.

As a result, I've learned of the wisdom of your own journeys. Eloquently, you all have spoken with inspirational worldliness, open-mindedness and appreciation of culture and countryside. Thank you.

These kinds of conversational moments open doors in our fundamental relationships and build intimacy and trust from which I am finding all kinds of energy to act...explore further more...share again.'s a cycle!

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