Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting to know you...

What do you get when you go to a park inside the gated community of Baridhara (where the University, Embassy and Wealthy live)...ATTENTION. Because we're foreigners we are automatically considered wealthy and celebrity. This park is open to all public between 2-5pm...we walked in with our friends the Meeses (you can see Renee there on the left) only to be swarmed by curiously strong admirers. Take out a camera and suddenly there's no breathing room. We were surrounded by eager and friendly Bangla's all inviting us to "gossip" with them at their houses. We just smiled as Zach translated, "maybe next time...."
Moving on we capped the day off with more excellent conversation and learnings from Zach and Tricia and an incredible homemade chicken curry! The kids were in 7th heaven playing with the Meese kids. It has been 7 months for them living here and their language use is more than functional. Wow! We can't thank them enough for the incredible opportunity to be completly immersed in Bangladesh culture.
So we've toured the immediate area and tommorrow we go a few layers deeper into the city and seeing the more impoverished way of life. It'll be an intense day, so we're off to bed early to rest up.


Katie said...

Wow! I have loved reading each posting and can't wait to hear more.

Enjoy each moment - what a treasure for all of you, but especially the kids!

Be safe!

Unknown said...

Hi Corny!!!

I miss you so much!!! It looks like you guys are having fun and i is awsome to see you!!!!!!

My Bday is on thursday and i wish you could be here. Celia and Katie are being there usual selfs!!!!

Well i miss you and can't wait to see you again in march untill then me and Cole will have to make it through!!!

Luv u guys !!! :)

Lorna, Cole , Richard, Susie

but mostly me... i wrote it!!!!